Beyond the Bench to Feature Half Day Delinquency Appellate Workshop

This year’s Beyond the Bench Conference will feature a full afternoon dedicated to Motions, Writs and Appeals: Practical Advice for the Delinquency Trial Lawyer.  The June 4th session is part of Beyond the Bench 20: Collaboration Works! Improving Outcomes and Achieving Safety and Stability in Challenging Times, San Diego (June 3-4, 2010). As part of California’s involvement in the MacArthur Foundation’s Juvenile Indigent Defense Action Network, efforts are under way to increase juvenile defender’s ability to effectively engage in motion practice and to seek review through writs or appeals. This workshop is part of those efforts and is designed specifically for trial lawyers who are representing youth in delinquency court.  Workshop presenters are top notch talent, including Arthur Bowie, Al Menaster, Richard Braucher, and David Lamb.  The session will be introduced by Sue Burrell and moderated by Jennifer Mayer.  This will take place from 1 to 5 p.m. on Friday, June 4th at the Marriott in San Diego.  The Beyond the Bench Conference will also feature a whole delinquency track on June 2 and 3.   Registration for Beyond the Bench is available at the Administrative Office of the Courts, Center for Families, Children and the Courts.