PJDC Has Big Presence at National Juvenile Defender Summit

Thirty PJDC members headed to Seattle for the October 21-23, 2011 National Juvenile Defender Summit.   Juvenile advocates and defenders from around the country are invited to attend the annual event and, this year, more than 450 defenders particpated.  The program included plenariy sessions on Beyond Lawyering: Transformative Role of the Public Defender; The 8th Amendment and Beyond: Practice Tips in Light of J.D.B., Roper & Graham; Marketing Juvenile Defense in a Time of Budget Shortfalls; The Prevalence and Impact of Language Impairment in Juvenile Court; Combating Confinement at Disposition and Post Disposition; and Breaking Down the Science: Merging Developmental Research into Practice.  The Summit also included dozens of workshops, with several presented by PJDC members; a meeting of the PJDC Advisory Board, and a Pacific Regional Caucus.